Who we are

Glenn Hipp has been involved with commercial aviation jet fuel for more than 30 years.  He has worded for or with airlines, FBO’s, suppliers, transport companies, pipeline companies, equipment manufacturers, software providers and more.  Well known in the commercial aviation fuel space, Glenn has the knowledge, experience and connections to organize and implement cost savings, cost reductions and cost avoidance initiatives.

Our goal is to reduce fuel costs, improve safety, reliability and reduce risk through effective and innovative strategies to the purchasing, transportation, storage and distribution of aviation fuels.

The great thing about our industry is that even though the airlines may compete for customers, their fuel interests are generally the same. Collaboration, good leadership, and a lot of hard work have accomplished many very large projects, successfully and for the mutual benefit of the entire industry.

CMS, LLC seeks only to act as a catalyst for these efforts, assisting the airlines wherever it makes sense.

Our philosophy
Aggressive investment in infrastructure upgrades reduces maintenance expenditures …and insures reliability.
  • Operational efficiency
  • Improved reliability
  • Reduce operating costs
  • Reduce risk
  • Reduce gains/losses
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